document.getElementById("music_player").innerHTML = "
Somber (Default)TriumphantFolk
" music_play = function() { document.getElementById("campaigntrailmusic").play() } music_pause = function() { document.getElementById("campaigntrailmusic").pause() } jukebox0 = function() { campaignTrail_temp.musicSrc = "" document.getElementById('campaigntrailmusic').src = campaignTrail_temp.musicSrc } jukebox1 = function() { campaignTrail_temp.musicSrc = "" document.getElementById('campaigntrailmusic').src = campaignTrail_temp.musicSrc } jukebox2 = function() { campaignTrail_temp.musicSrc = "" document.getElementById('campaigntrailmusic').src = campaignTrail_temp.musicSrc } campaignTrail_temp.questions_json = JSON.parse("[{\"model\": \"campaign_trail.question\", \"pk\": 165, \"fields\": {\"priority\": 0, \"description\": \"It is November, 1863. For three summers, a Civil War has engulfed the country, and almost five hundred thousand souls have been lost. You have been invited to speak at a memorial on the site of one of the Union’s precious few major victories, at Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. What kind of speech will you give?\", \"likelihood\": 1.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.question\", \"pk\": 166, \"fields\": {\"priority\": 0, \"description\": \"The war still rages close to Washington, but winter has begun to affect the troops. Your Commanding General, Henry Halleck, has submitted a plan to cease campaigning in Virginia for a few months to build defensive fortifications throughout the region and hopefully avoid an offensive campaign from Robert E. Lee. Your Secretary of War, Edwin M. Stanton, has asked you to reprimand Halleck, citing this as just one of many examples of Halleck’s reticence to actually fight the war.\", \"likelihood\": 1.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.question\", \"pk\": 170, \"fields\": {\"priority\": 1, \"description\": \"The New York Tribune, Horace Greeley’s Radical Republican paper, holds great sway over the national discourse. While initially greatly supportive of your wartime agenda, the length and severity of the War is taking a real toll. He has been openly and vigorously rebuking you and your Administration for perceived indecisiveness and weakness over the past months. Do you have any plans to fight back against Greeley’s machine?\", \"likelihood\": 1.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.question\", \"pk\": 197, \"fields\": {\"priority\": 1, \"description\": \"News from Tennessee! After the disaster at Chickamauga, Confederate General Braxton Bragg was finally defeated. Ulysses S. Grant, commander of your forces in the West, has moved into the Appalachians, resulting in massive victories in Chattanooga and Knoxville. Tennessee has been recaptured. Will you attempt to reinstate statehood?\", \"likelihood\": 1.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.question\", \"pk\": 182, \"fields\": {\"priority\": 1, \"description\": \"On the eve of 1864, the Ohio Republican James Ashley has submitted a proposal to end slavery throughout the country, including in the slave states that remained in the Union. Will you use your office to endorse this proposal?\", \"likelihood\": 1.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.question\", \"pk\": 179, \"fields\": {\"priority\": 1, \"description\": \"As a new year begins, many Republicans have shown dissatisfaction at your administration’s handling of the war. You have heard that behind the scenes, your own Secretary of the Treasury, Salmon P. Chase, has begun making moves to replace you on the Republican ticket this upcoming election.\", \"likelihood\": 1.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.question\", \"pk\": 194, \"fields\": {\"priority\": 1, \"description\": \"Good news comes from the Democratic camp. Their own convention seems as divided as yours. The Democrats are split between “Copperhead” Peace Democrats trying to end the war with an armistice, and War Democrats desiring to win decisively and rebuild the Union by force. Will you do anything to reach out to these War Democrats?\", \"likelihood\": 1.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.question\", \"pk\": 193, \"fields\": {\"priority\": 1, \"description\": \"John C. Frémont, former Presidential Candidate, Mexican War hero and your former commander of forces in Missouri, has officially given a letter of resignation from the military, and has written a scathing editorial discussing your working relationship in the New York Tribune. How will you respond?\", \"likelihood\": 1.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.question\", \"pk\": 184, \"fields\": {\"priority\": 1, \"description\": \"There have been calls for George B. McClellan, the former General in Chief whom you replaced after failing to pursue Lee after Antietam, to be returned to his former position. He is visiting Washington from Trenton, do you wish to speak with him?\", \"likelihood\": 1.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.question\", \"pk\": 167, \"fields\": {\"priority\": 1, \"description\": \"Ulysses S. Grant, hero of Chattanooga and the man who took Vicksburg and cut the Confederacy in half, has arrived in Washington, leaving William Tecumseh Sherman in command of the Western Theater. Grant’s arrival is met with much speculation. Henry Halleck has come to you asking if Grant is to replace him.\", \"likelihood\": 1.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.question\", \"pk\": 195, \"fields\": {\"priority\": 1, \"description\": \"The promotion of Grant to Lieutenant General and Commander of the Armies, a position not officially used since Washington’s command, has caused a stir. While Grant has gotten quite a bit of good press for his recent victories in the West, the bloody stalemate at Shiloh still looms large in memory, and there are rumors of Grant’s fondness for drink. Do you wish to make any attempt to dispel these worries?\", \"likelihood\": 1.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.question\", \"pk\": 196, \"fields\": {\"priority\": 1, \"description\": \"The Senate has successfully voted in favor of a Constitutional amendment permanently and universally banning slavery in the United States. The Thirteenth Amendment has a longer road to travel in the far more divided House. Will you push for a vote anyway?\", \"likelihood\": 1.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.question\", \"pk\": 223, \"fields\": {\"priority\": 2, \"description\": \"The recruitment of black men into the military, begun last year, has been controversial, and many of your detractors have claimed that this is a sign that you plan to give complete equal rights to blacks brought into the country. Do you have any wish to assuage these fears?\", \"likelihood\": 1.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.question\", \"pk\": 225, \"fields\": {\"priority\": 2, \"description\": \"One quarter of the Union Army is made up of immigrants. Do you have any interest in reaching out to any of these groups in particular?\", \"likelihood\": 1.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.question\", \"pk\": 153, \"fields\": {\"priority\": 2, \"description\": \"A faction of Radical Republicans have officially split off from your caucus. Spurred on by Horace Greeley’s writing and Salmon Chase’s machinations, they plan to nominate John C. Frémont for the Presidency, calling for your removal from office!\", \"likelihood\": 1.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.question\", \"pk\": 168, \"fields\": {\"priority\": 2, \"description\": \"The time for your own convention has arrived, built on support from crossover War Democrats and those Republicans who’ve remained by your side. The National Unity Convention has yet to select a meeting place, and wherever you pick will have far-reaching implications in the days to come.\", \"likelihood\": 1.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.question\", \"pk\": 239, \"fields\": {\"priority\": 2, \"description\": \"You have officially been re-nominated for the office of President. The National Union ticket begins the slow trudge to keep you in office. Is there a theme you feel could retain your position?\", \"likelihood\": 1.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.question\", \"pk\": 242, \"fields\": {\"priority\": 2, \"description\": \"Though fully expecting to be renominated, Vice President Hamlin was surprised to be dropped by the Convention from your ticket. In his place, Democratic Senator Andrew Johnson has been chosen for the role. How will you go about your political rhetoric and actions on the matter?\", \"likelihood\": 1.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.question\", \"pk\": 241, \"fields\": {\"priority\": 2, \"description\": \"Grant’s Overland Campaign has gotten off to a rocky start. What was to be a quick skirmish in the forests of Spotsylvania County in Virginia has turned into perhaps the bloodiest few days in the War. “The Battle of the Wilderness” has led to uncountable casualties on both sides, and has been considered inconclusive. Grant, however, insists he should continue to pursue Lee despite the losses. Will you allow him to do so?\", \"likelihood\": 1.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.question\", \"pk\": 222, \"fields\": {\"priority\": 2, \"description\": \"In the South, General William Tecumseh Sherman has entered territory where telegraph lines have been cut. Messages have become rare. Do you wish to force him into closer ground?\", \"likelihood\": 1.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.question\", \"pk\": 212, \"fields\": {\"priority\": 2, \"description\": \"New York’s Governor, Horatio Seymour, is widely expected to be your Democratic opponent for President. He is extremely popular in the Union’s largest state, and the draft riots still stain your reputation there. Do you have any plans to regain your reputation in the Empire State?\", \"likelihood\": 1.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.question\", \"pk\": 211, \"fields\": {\"priority\": 2, \"description\": \"Grant moves toward Richmond, and has the option to choose the field of battle and lay the groundwork for taking the city. Where should he move?\", \"likelihood\": 1.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.question\", \"pk\": 207, \"fields\": {\"priority\": 2, \"description\": \"Even in these unprecedented times, some domestic issues follow a President. The Pacific Railway Act, meant to build a Transcontinental Railroad, has arrived on your desk. Do you plan on signing the bill?\", \"likelihood\": 1.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.question\", \"pk\": 236, \"fields\": {\"priority\": 2, \"description\": \"Running this war has been expensive. Your income tax from two years ago remains controversial, yet Congress has passed a Revenue Act, lowering taxes generally but raising them on the highest earners, as well as increasing taxes on business. Will you sign the bill?\", \"likelihood\": 1.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.question\", \"pk\": 192, \"fields\": {\"priority\": 2, \"description\": \"Horatio Seymour has officially declined to seek nomination for the Democratic Party this year. The likely candidate has become Young Napoleon himself, George B. McClellan.\", \"likelihood\": 1.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.question\", \"pk\": 1001, \"fields\": {\"priority\": 2, \"description\": \"Despite Horace Greeley’s efforts to displace you on the Republican ticket, it is August and the New York Tribune has yet to endorse John C. Frémont for the Presidency. Will you make any attempt to mend fences with Greeley’s machine?\", \"likelihood\": 1.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.question\", \"pk\": 1002, \"fields\": {\"priority\": 2, \"description\": \"Last year, West Virginia split from its namesake to become the 35th State. If the war were to end, would you require its reintegration into the Commonwealth?\", \"likelihood\": 1.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.question\", \"pk\": 1003, \"fields\": {\"priority\": 2, \"description\": \"Another state will soon enter the Union, as a Constitutional Convention has begun in Nevada! This former satellite of the Utah Territory is to ratify a constitution mere days before the election, do you have any plans to reach out to these voters-to-be?\", \"likelihood\": 1.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.question\", \"pk\": 1004, \"fields\": {\"priority\": 2, \"description\": \"Andrew Johnson was selected for his appeal in the Southern border states. He is, however, eager to finish his work as Military Governor of Tennessee. How will you best utilize his presence during the campaign?\", \"likelihood\": 1.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.question\", \"pk\": 1005, \"fields\": {\"priority\": 2, \"description\": \"Petersburg, Virginia stands as the most important outpost connecting the Confederacy’s Capital in Richmond to the industrial center of Atlanta. Grant claims a prolonged siege may be in order, but has an alternative plan to take the city in quick time. To which plan will you give your approval?\", \"likelihood\": 1.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.question\", \"pk\": 1006, \"fields\": {\"priority\": 2, \"description\": \"Francis Blair has called you to his home. The aged founder of the Republican Party and honorary cabinet member of every President since Jackson holds great sway over Congress, and has staked out a conservative position on many issues, much to the chagrin of the Radical Republicans. A personal friend of Jefferson Davis, he is pleading that you attempt to vie for peace with the Confederacy, lest he tank any attempt to pass the Thirteenth Amendment. Do you have any interest in doing this?\", \"likelihood\": 1.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.question\", \"pk\": 1007, \"fields\": {\"priority\": 2, \"description\": \"Confederate General Jubal Early, commander of Lee’s Cavalry, has maneuvered around Grant’s line, and has troops headed straight towards Washington. Do you have any plans on evacuating the city?\", \"likelihood\": 1.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.question\", \"pk\": 1008, \"fields\": {\"priority\": 2, \"description\": \"Grant has come to you with a plan for Petersburg. He plans to dig under Lee’s defenses and detonate an explosive, exposing Lee’s flank and allowing Union Forces to enter the city. Will you approve this plan?\", \"likelihood\": 1.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.question\", \"pk\": 1009, \"fields\": {\"priority\": 2, \"description\": \"George B. McClellan has officially been nominated for President. Despite his vocal support for continuing the war, his party has paired him with a radical Peace Democrat, George B. Pendleton, and set out a Copperhead platform that repudiates many of McClellan's views. In his acceptance speech, McClellan has explicitly cited your treatment of him while he was leading Union Forces as an example of your poor judgment. How will you respond?\", \"likelihood\": 1.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.question\", \"pk\": 1010, \"fields\": {\"priority\": 2, \"description\": \"The official platform of the Democratic Party has labelled the war a failure, and called for a negotiated peace. Even the more moderate of the Peace Democrats are uncomfortable with this result, especially after the traitor Clement Vallandigham showed his face at the Convention to rapturous applause. Your advisors think this presents an opening to court this alienated bloc of voters.\", \"likelihood\": 1.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.question\", \"pk\": 1011, \"fields\": {\"priority\": 2, \"description\": \"Frémont continues to leech votes from your campaign. Is there any way you’d like to win back some Radical Republican support?\", \"likelihood\": 1.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.question\", \"pk\": 1012, \"fields\": {\"priority\": 2, \"description\": \"Five states (Maine, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, New Hampshire and Vermont) currently permit black men the vote. Do you have any interest in cornering this demographic?\", \"likelihood\": 1.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.question\", \"pk\": 1013, \"fields\": {\"priority\": 2, \"description\": \"McClellan’s running mate George Pendleton has begun actively campaigning in the Northwest claiming you plan on fully enfranchising and re-habitating blacks throughout the North. Do you have any response to this?\", \"likelihood\": 1.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.question\", \"pk\": 1014, \"fields\": {\"priority\": 2, \"description\": \"Some good news at last. Admiral David Farragut has taken the port at Mobile Bay, the largest remaining Confederate navy yard, in a major coup for the Union Army. Would you like to install a similar provisional government as you have in New Orleans and Knoxville?\", \"likelihood\": 1.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.question\", \"pk\": 1015, \"fields\": {\"priority\": 2, \"description\": \"A telegraph has arrived from General Sherman in Georgia.\", \"likelihood\": 1.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.question\", \"pk\": 1016, \"fields\": {\"priority\": 2, \"description\": \"With the taking of Atlanta, Washington is a changed city. A parade has been scheduled, and many Republicans are reconsidering their bolting away from your platform. How will you seize the moment?\", \"likelihood\": 1.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.question\", \"pk\": 1017, \"fields\": {\"priority\": 2, \"description\": \"Damned be. Horace Greeley has written to you once again, offering to endorse you for President.\", \"likelihood\": 1.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.question\", \"pk\": 1018, \"fields\": {\"priority\": 2, \"description\": \"A telegraph has arrived from John C. Frémont. In light of the changing direction of the war, he has offered to drop out of the race and endorse you. He has demanded some concession be made for him to do so, however. What are you willing to offer?\", \"likelihood\": 1.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.question\", \"pk\": 1019, \"fields\": {\"priority\": 2, \"description\": \"When you put forth the Emancipation Proclamation, it was Andrew Johnson himself that asked the border states be exempt from the mandate. Many Republicans, even non-Radicals, have pointed to this as a reason for unease at your running mate. What do you have to say to these worries?\", \"likelihood\": 1.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.question\", \"pk\": 1020, \"fields\": {\"priority\": 2, \"description\": \"Grant has sent word that he can spare the whole of his cavalry to drive the Secesh out of the Shenandoah Valley, and secure Washington from invasion once and for all. Will you acquiesce to his plan?\", \"likelihood\": 1.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.question\", \"pk\": 1021, \"fields\": {\"priority\": 2, \"description\": \"Historically, active duty soldiers have not been able to vote in presidential elections because of the massive logistical and financial burden of absentee ballots sent across long distances. This will be the first year that nearly all soldiers will be able to vote. Do you have any plans to solidify their support for you?\", \"likelihood\": 1.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.question\", \"pk\": 1022, \"fields\": {\"priority\": 2, \"description\": \"Despite the renewed optimism throughout the Union, the mood in New York City remains heated. As the election approaches, the Democratic bosses of the city seem to be gearing up for a similar fight that ensued after the Draft. Edwin Stanton has asked you to take these calls seriously.\", \"likelihood\": 1.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.question\", \"pk\": 1023, \"fields\": {\"priority\": 2, \"description\": \"Progress in the Siege of Petersburg continues at a crawl. Many around you have pleaded for you to consider Grant’s replacement. Grant and Stanton both, for their parts, assure you keeping Lee busy like this will allow for greater successes in the war’s other theaters. Will you stand by your man?\", \"likelihood\": 1.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.question\", \"pk\": 1024, \"fields\": {\"priority\": 2, \"description\": \"With the election close at hand, is there any region you would like to focus funds in the last days before the election?\", \"likelihood\": 1.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.question\", \"pk\": 1025, \"fields\": {\"priority\": -1, \"description\": \"It may be four more years, it may only be a few more months. You may not know what Election Day will bring, but is there anything you would like to prepare the next stretch of your Administration to focus on?\", \"likelihood\": 1.0}}]"); campaignTrail_temp.answers_json = JSON.parse("[{\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 1026, \"fields\": {\"question\": 153, \"description\": \"That insubordinate cur! We must immediately put pieces about his disastrous command in Missouri in as many of our papers as possible.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 1027, \"fields\": {\"question\": 153, \"description\": \"Those turncoats! Get Chase in here, let’s see if we can get him to disavow the group and dam the leak before it gets out of control.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 1028, \"fields\": {\"question\": 153, \"description\": \"We need to finesse this very delicately. By coming out too strongly against this group we risk losing what Radicals we have left. We should mostly keep quiet, and have Seward give more public appearances to remind voters we are still the party’s first choice.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 1029, \"fields\": {\"question\": 153, \"description\": \"This is unfortunate, but we have higher priorities. We know we are fighting the war the right way, and the voters will realize that in time.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 1352, \"fields\": {\"question\": 165, \"description\": \"My speech will be done in honor of the justness of our cause. We stand at a crossroads of history and we should act as though we are aware of that.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 1353, \"fields\": {\"question\": 165, \"description\": \"I must seize this opportunity to remind these United States why they voted for me in the first place. I will give a speech of no less than fifty stanzas, covering the history of our great nation, the vitality of our cause, my humbleness at the weight of the task, and end on a convocation, calling for Heaven to bless our journey forward.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 1354, \"fields\": {\"question\": 165, \"description\": \"This is an ode to the dead. It should be brief, concise and true.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 1356, \"fields\": {\"question\": 166, \"description\": \"Halleck is no McClellan, and we should be cautious not to reprimand him too strongly. We must show we are still confident in the war effort, but he could use an extra push.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 1357, \"fields\": {\"question\": 166, \"description\": \"This is the worst time to be cautious. We are barely keeping the North together, and Lee has run rampant for too long. Halleck must find a field to move on Lee posthaste.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 1358, \"fields\": {\"question\": 166, \"description\": \"Halleck is too cautious, but perhaps he is right. We could have Stanton explain the quiet in some national papers, and throw our weight behind Halleck’s thinking.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 1360, \"fields\": {\"question\": 167, \"description\": \"Yes he is. However, Halleck has served admirably and capably in the field, and I would like to keep him on as Grant’s Chief of Staff.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 1361, \"fields\": {\"question\": 167, \"description\": \"Yes he is. I hope Halleck will accept graciously.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 1363, \"fields\": {\"question\": 168, \"description\": \"We should keep this close to Washington, and a border state could give a sense of legitimacy to our calls for unity. Baltimore would be the perfect host city.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 1364, \"fields\": {\"question\": 168, \"description\": \"Why not bring the party home? We should host the convention back in Chicago.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 1369, \"fields\": {\"question\": 170, \"description\": \"We are still all Republicans, are we not? We should reach out to him personally, and see if he will rethink his condemnations in exchange for assurances on abolition.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 1370, \"fields\": {\"question\": 170, \"description\": \"It would show weakness not to fight back! We will remind Greeley of the power of the Presidency, and demand he change his tune lest we do that for him.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 1371, \"fields\": {\"question\": 170, \"description\": \"We cannot meet Greeley head on, but we can reduce his readership. Sending funds to Harper’s and the Baltimore Sun to drown Greeley out would be prudent here.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 1399, \"fields\": {\"question\": 179, \"description\": \"Chase never forgave me for taking the nomination four years ago. I hoped his cabinet position would heal the wound, but that appears to have been a faulty hope. Alas, we cannot afford a cabinet shake up this severe in the midst of a war, let him have his way.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 1400, \"fields\": {\"question\": 179, \"description\": \"This is not the first time Chase has lashed out at us, and we’ve worked through his wavering at every juncture before. We should bring him closer into the fold, see what policy issues I could shift on that would calm his machinations.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 1401, \"fields\": {\"question\": 179, \"description\": \"We cannot have this right now. While we cannot easily remove him from office, we should reduce his role as much as possible. Give as many of his duties as possible to Monty Blair and William Seward and move his offices back to Ohio.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 1408, \"fields\": {\"question\": 182, \"description\": \"Clearly we support the amendment, but we need to keep quiet in public. We can make some moves behind the scenes to make sure it gets passed, without making moderates or the border states nervous.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 1409, \"fields\": {\"question\": 182, \"description\": \"Clearly we support the amendment, but we need to keep quiet in public. We are barely keeping the peace in the border states as it is, and coming out steadfastly in favor of such a measure could mean another year of Missouri burning.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 1410, \"fields\": {\"question\": 182, \"description\": \"Of course! This was always the end goal after the Emancipation Proclamation. The time is now! An end to this blot on the American character!\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 1411, \"fields\": {\"question\": 182, \"description\": \"Of course! While we are still wary of expanding blacks’ roles in society too vigorously, it would be foolish not to take away any possible cause of a future sectional crisis. We support the passage of any ban on slavery in these United States.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 1415, \"fields\": {\"question\": 184, \"description\": \"He likely wishes to see me as little as I wish to see him. There is no need to pretend otherwise.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 1416, \"fields\": {\"question\": 184, \"description\": \"A purely personal meeting could look good in the press. Perhaps then these calls will cease.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 1455, \"fields\": {\"question\": 192, \"description\": \"The man has the humility of a peacock. Hopefully the voters see through his preening.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 1456, \"fields\": {\"question\": 192, \"description\": \"He was the worst General I have yet commissioned, but he could still sap support from the troops. We must emphasize our progress in the war since his dismissal, perhaps even my own history in the Black Hawk War.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 1457, \"fields\": {\"question\": 192, \"description\": \"If anything, this is a sign that the Democrats cannot keep their own house in order. We must immediately begin referring to him as Seymour’s seat-warmer; we could kill much of his support early if we finesse this well.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 1460, \"fields\": {\"question\": 193, \"description\": \"Ultimately, this is all just bilge and bluster from a disgruntled former subordinate. Ignore it—this too shall pass.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 1461, \"fields\": {\"question\": 193, \"description\": \"While we shouldn’t address Frémont directly, we should begin pushing the scale a bit on public support. Organize some papers to write positively on our progress on the war, maybe some biographical work on General Grant in the Western Theater.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 1462, \"fields\": {\"question\": 193, \"description\": \"We cannot let this turncoat get away with this. We should make an official statement on this, decrying him as a jilted suitor, whose actions in Missouri did nothing but exacerbate local tensions and worsen the Union position.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 1464, \"fields\": {\"question\": 194, \"description\": \"We already have a positive relationship with the Baltimore Sun. Have them publish something about Clement Vallandigham and his subversive plots, linking him to the Copperheads and stating that they are in accord with him.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 1465, \"fields\": {\"question\": 194, \"description\": \"Many War Democrats could be won if we were to moderate on some of our pet issues. We should emphasize that we are fighting a war for the Union, not for the negroes.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 1466, \"fields\": {\"question\": 194, \"description\": \"Focus on the war effort, and the War Democrats will come. This is a single issue election for many, and we shouldn’t pretend to be what we are not.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 1468, \"fields\": {\"question\": 195, \"description\": \"Grant is a good man, and a better commander. What losses occurred on the field can easily be seen as mere interruptions in his stellar campaigns through the West.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 1469, \"fields\": {\"question\": 195, \"description\": \"Grant is a good man, and a better commander. The rumors of his alcoholism have been greatly exaggerated, and he has personally promised me that he has been temperate when in the field.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 1470, \"fields\": {\"question\": 195, \"description\": \"Ignore these rumors. We promoted Grant to get the job done, not look good in the papers.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 1471, \"fields\": {\"question\": 195, \"description\": \"Grant has had a long and successful career dating back decades, even Frémont must admit that. His Total War strategy has been nothing but a success and we need to be aggressive to win this fight.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 1472, \"fields\": {\"question\": 196, \"description\": \"Yes! This will send a message to the world of the rightness of our cause: though he may be poor, not one man shall be a slave.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 1473, \"fields\": {\"question\": 196, \"description\": \"We would do better to keep this close to the chest. A failed vote could kill this bill and we still have time to lean on Congress here.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 1474, \"fields\": {\"question\": 196, \"description\": \"Let Colfax lean on Congress. Clearly we want the Amendment to pass, but the War is our top priority. Meanwhile, we will ensure that support for the Amendment will feature front and center at the party convention.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 1476, \"fields\": {\"question\": 197, \"description\": \"Yes, but under military law and condition that the populace must make an oath of loyalty in order to regain a citizen’s privileges. We need to set an example here.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 1477, \"fields\": {\"question\": 197, \"description\": \"Yes, and under few conditions. A soft reconstruction will show our desire for a meaningful return of our brethren into the fold. We will take care not to enact any punitive measures against the people of Tennessee.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 1478, \"fields\": {\"question\": 197, \"description\": \"No, we have a great deal of work to do to make Tennessee ours again, and we need to show a firm hand as an example to the other traitorous states.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 1510, \"fields\": {\"question\": 207, \"description\": \"This was something I campaigned on in 1860. Of course I’ll sign it.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 1511, \"fields\": {\"question\": 207, \"description\": \"We cannot even consider frivolous expenditures while we are trying to fund the war. I will sign it when the war is over.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 1512, \"fields\": {\"question\": 207, \"description\": \"Of course I will sign it! Let us also reach out to Greeley to see if this will turn the tide on his reporting of our actions, as this is something he has been pushing for for years in that damned paper of his.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 1523, \"fields\": {\"question\": 211, \"description\": \"We need to aggressively attack Lee’s defensive line near Mechanicsville and move on Richmond.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 1524, \"fields\": {\"question\": 211, \"description\": \"We can attempt to flank Lee, cutting him off from the secessionist capital, if we move quickly.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 1525, \"fields\": {\"question\": 211, \"description\": \"We should focus first on securing the Shenandoah Valley. There is a direct path toward Washington through that Valley and we cannot afford to keep that route open.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 1526, \"fields\": {\"question\": 212, \"description\": \"Seymour has always been unpopular with Tammany Hall. Perhaps we could make some offers and get them to cross the party line?\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 1527, \"fields\": {\"question\": 212, \"description\": \"We should remember who we have in our pocket. Get William Seward to make some appearances throughout the state in support of the National Union ticket—Seymour never had the coalition Seward was able to build there.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 1528, \"fields\": {\"question\": 212, \"description\": \"The real way into the state is through its young men. Focus on shoring up the support of our troops, they will do our campaigning for us.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 1555, \"fields\": {\"question\": 222, \"description\": \"We are in no place to take risks like this. We need him rebuilding those lines and reporting regularly.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 1556, \"fields\": {\"question\": 222, \"description\": \"Grant trusts the man, as do I. Let him burn through Georgia like a wildfire.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 1557, \"fields\": {\"question\": 222, \"description\": \"While I would like regular reports, we need decisive action in this theater, so this is a sacrifice I am willing to deal with.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 1558, \"fields\": {\"question\": 222, \"description\": \"Sherman should be focusing less on Georgia than retaking Mississippi anyway. If we can get through, we should have him reroute.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 1559, \"fields\": {\"question\": 223, \"description\": \"We will certainly treat those negroes who fight for the Union with gratitude and respect, but we have no plans to expand or enshrine the rights of blacks within our white society. Any suggestion otherwise is pure fantasy.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 1560, \"fields\": {\"question\": 223, \"description\": \"The time has come for these United States to bring forth the fulfillment of the promise made, four score and seven years ago, to create a more perfect Union, one of free men and free labor. We shan’t cease in our endeavor until we have created a society where all men are created equal.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 1564, \"fields\": {\"question\": 225, \"description\": \"German immigrants have been part of our base from the beginning, and we could retake our lead in the Northwest through them. Instruct Stanton to put Franz Sigel in charge of the Army of West Virginia and make sure word of it reaches the Dutchmen.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 1565, \"fields\": {\"question\": 225, \"description\": \"The Irish have become majorities in many Northeastern cities, and we could win them over from the Democrats with enough gestures to the rights of Catholics and downplaying the temperance element of our party.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 1566, \"fields\": {\"question\": 225, \"description\": \"The West has seen an influx of Chinese immigrants, we could shore up our support out there merely by acknowledging their legitimacy as citizens in the region.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 1599, \"fields\": {\"question\": 236, \"description\": \"I will sign it. This is an unusual bill, to be sure, but a wartime necessity which I intend to let expire after its purpose has been served.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 1600, \"fields\": {\"question\": 236, \"description\": \"I will not sign this bill. Finances notwithstanding, it is a morally unconscionable act to take a man’s property with prejudice just because he owns more than the next. We will have to seek this revenue elsewhere.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 1608, \"fields\": {\"question\": 239, \"description\": \"I am a wartime President, and that should be our chief focus. Get as many papers writing on my role as Commander in Chief, robed in immense power. We cannot change horses mid-stream!\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 1609, \"fields\": {\"question\": 239, \"description\": \"We need to keep in mind the platform we were nominated upon. We are a ticket of moderation, rooted in our faith in indivisible Union, and we should use that ideal as our core platform.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 1610, \"fields\": {\"question\": 239, \"description\": \"We have to get the Radicals back in line. Push our support of the Thirteenth Amendment, an aggressive reconstruction, and Grant’s plans of Total War.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 1615, \"fields\": {\"question\": 241, \"description\": \"We cannot afford to make the same mistake as after Gettysburg. Pursue! Drive them toward Richmond!\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 1616, \"fields\": {\"question\": 241, \"description\": \"Grant is too impulsive here. Many are still mourning the dead, he must allow them some rest.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 1617, \"fields\": {\"question\": 242, \"description\": \"I am sad to see such a friend as Hamlin go, but this was a necessary course of action to win over Southerners already under Union rule and those yet to be. I will reach out to him honestly, and promise to do my best to get him back in the Senate.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 1618, \"fields\": {\"question\": 242, \"description\": \"I am sad to see such a friend as Hamlin go, but this was a necessary course of action to win over Southerners already under Union rule and those yet to be. I will express my regrets at how events turned out, and promise to do my best to get him back in the Senate.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 1619, \"fields\": {\"question\": 242, \"description\": \"Truthfully, Hamlin’s sympathies for the Radicals were too strong to preserve his spot on the ticket; we will make sure he and the public get the message that our ticket is one of national unity, hopefully serving to discourage moderates from bolting.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 2101, \"fields\": {\"question\": 170, \"description\": \"Ignore him. Greeley is a demagogue in the shape of a newsman, and we must focus on the tasks at hand.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 2102, \"fields\": {\"question\": 184, \"description\": \"I would not like to see him, however perhaps we could get some Democratic favor by having Edwin Stanton meet with him to discuss the strategy of the war thus far.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 2103, \"fields\": {\"question\": 167, \"description\": \"Yes he is. Halleck has proven unable to control his subordinates at Bull Run, and ever since that event he has shrunk from responsibility whenever it was possible. We need a General more inclined to action and discipline—a General like Grant.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 2104, \"fields\": {\"question\": 167, \"description\": \"Yes he is. However, I would hope Halleck would accept a Military Governorship when we finally retake Florida or Mississippi.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 2105, \"fields\": {\"question\": 223, \"description\": \"We should keep silent on this matter. Speaking too much on it serves only to scare moderates, especially when I actually do support black suffrage. We should remember what happened when I spoke in favor of women’s suffrage.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 2106, \"fields\": {\"question\": 223, \"description\": \"As I have said in the past, I support a national initiative to return all negroes presently in the United States to Africa. The war has not changed my view—whites and negroes can never inhabit this land as equals, and it is only right that they should go back to where they came from.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 2107, \"fields\": {\"question\": 168, \"description\": \"We could really do more work to reclaim legitimacy among Republican voters. Hosting the convention in Providence, one of the homes of abolitionism, should get the right message across.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 2108, \"fields\": {\"question\": 168, \"description\": \"We need to show our willingness to embrace War Democrats. Pennsylvania has been the center of this movement, and hosting the convention in Philadelphia would be extremely meaningful.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 2109, \"fields\": {\"question\": 242, \"description\": \"Hamlin was replaced against my wishes, and though I respect the decision of the Convention delegates, I will make my discontent known. Hopefully we can find a way to assure his quick return to the Senate.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 2110, \"fields\": {\"question\": 241, \"description\": \"Perhaps we can find a middle answer here. Send the Army of the Shenandoah after Lee, and keep the Potomac near the capital to recuperate. We may seize the moment without killing our own men.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 2111, \"fields\": {\"question\": 212, \"description\": \"New York City is a lost cause. We should reach out to Millard Fillmore and see if he will campaign for us in the north of the State.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 2112, \"fields\": {\"question\": 211, \"description\": \"Grant should be more cautious in his approach here. We need a secure line, not headlines.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 2113, \"fields\": {\"question\": 225, \"description\": \"We cannot do this. With the Radical split, nativists are the last solid base we have left, and we shouldn’t do anything that could alienate them.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 2001, \"fields\": {\"question\": 1001, \"description\": \"It was only just last month when Greeley begged me to make overtures to the traitors for pacification. In ‘62, I was too passive for his liking; in ‘63, too indecisive. Now, in ‘64, I am too aggressive. To hell with him. He can say what he likes through that rag of his, it is no concern of mine anymore.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 2002, \"fields\": {\"question\": 1001, \"description\": \"I did appreciate Greeley’s role in helping prepare the public for the Emancipation Proclamation. I would like to have a personal meeting with him, where hopefully we can break bread and bridge the divides of years past.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 2003, \"fields\": {\"question\": 1001, \"description\": \"In this regard I would much prefer to show, rather than tell. We will continue our efforts to draw the war to its conclusion, and as victory approaches I am sure we will win Greeley’s endorsement.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 2004, \"fields\": {\"question\": 1002, \"description\": \"These folk bravely seceded from Virginia and joined the fight to sustain the Union. It is the will of that state’s people to maintain their hard-fought independence. To return these lands would be to betray our cause.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 2005, \"fields\": {\"question\": 1002, \"description\": \"A gesture like this could help rebuild the relationships between states. If Virginia can once again be whole, so shall the nation.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 2006, \"fields\": {\"question\": 1002, \"description\": \"There is a third option here. We could rejoin these counties to the Commonwealth, but move the capital to Wheeling, placing Virginia’s seat of power with more like-minded allies.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 2007, \"fields\": {\"question\": 1003, \"description\": \"The Gold Rush built Nevada as much as it built California. The old Whig promise for a Transcontinental Railroad will be just as appealing to them.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 2008, \"fields\": {\"question\": 1003, \"description\": \"The Mormons are a huge force in Nevada, perhaps we could reach out to this often ignored and growing demographic to help build a new state?\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 2009, \"fields\": {\"question\": 1003, \"description\": \"Nevada’s population technically is still under what should be required for Statehood. They represent such a small number of electoral votes that there is no pressing need to reach out to them.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 2010, \"fields\": {\"question\": 1004, \"description\": \"Johnson should travel across Ohio, Tennessee and Kentucky as he sees fit, rallying loyal Unionists to the cause. I will let him decide how he divides his time between governing and campaigning.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 2011, \"fields\": {\"question\": 1004, \"description\": \"I would prefer Johnson to focus on matters of government in Tennessee. He is the most effective tool we have in that state to keep it loyal, and I fear an active campaign may dishearten those with Radical sympathies.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 2012, \"fields\": {\"question\": 1004, \"description\": \"I don’t want that drunkard anywhere near my campaign. He should stay put in Nashville, while we rely on the newspapers to make our case.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 2013, \"fields\": {\"question\": 1004, \"description\": \"I want Andrew Johnson to make a circuit through the Northeast and Northwest, rallying Democrats of all stripes to the ticket. He will be our model of a loyal Southerner, and hopefully turn the sympathies of those who have become prejudiced against his folk.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 2014, \"fields\": {\"question\": 1005, \"description\": \"Victory at Petersburg will hasten the capture of Richmond and final victory. This plan is too important to fumble—Grant should lay siege to the city and persist, for however long it takes.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 2015, \"fields\": {\"question\": 1005, \"description\": \"I trust General Grant to make the decisions necessary to win the city of Petersburg. If he has a plan to take the city without a prolonged siege, he is within his rights to pursue it, albeit cautiously.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 2016, \"fields\": {\"question\": 1005, \"description\": \"I trust General Grant to make the decisions necessary to win the city of Petersburg. If he has a plan to take the city without a prolonged siege, he should pursue it aggressively.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 2017, \"fields\": {\"question\": 1005, \"description\": \"I trust General Grant to make the decisions necessary to win the city of Petersburg. If he has a plan to take the city without a prolonged siege, he should pursue it in the manner he sees fit.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 2018, \"fields\": {\"question\": 1006, \"description\": \"I can give no assurances, but I will ask Blair to give me at least until the capture of Savannah to reach a final decision. If we are to soon be in a position where victory is inevitable, I do not wish to hamstring myself with conciliatory gestures quite yet.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 2019, \"fields\": {\"question\": 1006, \"description\": \"Under no circumstances will I meet with the traitor Davis, until he has in his hand a document of unconditional surrender. I can pass the amendment with or without Blair’s support.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 2020, \"fields\": {\"question\": 1006, \"description\": \"An interesting prospect. From the outset, let it be known that we will agree to no armistice that compromises national unity or the eventual goal of abolition. Under those terms I may be amenable to a meeting with Confederate leadership.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 2021, \"fields\": {\"question\": 1007, \"description\": \"No. We have a battlement of artillery at the ready for this very reason.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 2022, \"fields\": {\"question\": 1007, \"description\": \"Yes. We cannot risk the citizens of this city to be captured.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 2023, \"fields\": {\"question\": 1008, \"description\": \"This is exactly the kind of plan we promoted Grant for. Make it so!\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 2024, \"fields\": {\"question\": 1008, \"description\": \"This is exactly the kind of plan we promoted Grant for. Make it so!\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 2025, \"fields\": {\"question\": 1008, \"description\": \"This is exactly the kind of plan we promoted Grant for. Make it so!\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 2026, \"fields\": {\"question\": 1008, \"description\": \"This plan is insane. There are too many places this could go wrong, and Grant was the man who pushed for the siege in the first place.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 2027, \"fields\": {\"question\": 1009, \"description\": \"We should not respond at all. McClellan can caw all he likes, but the facts are not on his side. We have a wartime record, while he has only embellishments about his failure of a career.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 2028, \"fields\": {\"question\": 1009, \"description\": \"We should immediately begin publishing fliers on his incompetence and cowardice on the field. Discharging him was the best decision I’ve made in this war.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 2029, \"fields\": {\"question\": 1009, \"description\": \"We shouldn’t be too forceful, but perhaps we could just remind voters of the disaster at Antietam. The anniversary is coming up soon anyway.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 20291, \"fields\": {\"question\": 1009, \"description\": \"We need not give any air to his attacks, but can instead rely on pointing out the contradictions between the man and his party. Their house is in disarray; can any good Democrat trust McClellan to make good on his promises?\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 2030, \"fields\": {\"question\": 1010, \"description\": \"We must seize the moment and demand McClellan denounce the Copperheads who wrote his party's platform. By forcing him to come out for one side or the other, we will divide the Democrats and make victory a certainty.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 2031, \"fields\": {\"question\": 1010, \"description\": \"We present two choices: a Union ticket welcoming men of all parties, dedicated in its entirety to the preservation of the country; and a treason ticket, beholden to the will of extremists and rebel sympathizers, no matter what their puppet at its head may tell you. Democrats can make their choice on that basis.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 2032, \"fields\": {\"question\": 1011, \"description\": \"Not particularly. Frémont is nothing more than a spoiler candidate, and the Radicals will realize that in good time.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 2033, \"fields\": {\"question\": 1011, \"description\": \"We could do more to show our support for the Thirteenth Amendment. Print fliers about our efforts here and distribute them throughout the most Republican of cities.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 2034, \"fields\": {\"question\": 1011, \"description\": \"The Radicals know winning the war is the most important issue at hand. We must emphasize that a change in leadership would be calamitous to the effort. You do not change horses mid-stream!\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 2035, \"fields\": {\"question\": 1012, \"description\": \"While we support black suffrage, we have too much to lose by courting these voters too strongly. I issued the Emancipation Proclamation, these voters know who is truly on their side.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 2036, \"fields\": {\"question\": 1012, \"description\": \"We should reach out to other States with large freedmen populations, such as New York and Ohio, and attempt to expand black suffrage before election day. This is too important a demographic to not take advantage of.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 2037, \"fields\": {\"question\": 1012, \"description\": \"We are barely keeping a presence in Missouri and Maryland to begin with. By calling for an expanded black vote we risk not only losing voters, but greater secessionist sympathies in these regions.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 2038, \"fields\": {\"question\": 1012, \"description\": \"The majority of free black families have young men currently in our forces, and we ought to ensure their just treatment within the ranks. On this front as with all others, support from our soldiers will result in support at home.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 2039, \"fields\": {\"question\": 1013, \"description\": \"We must remember these were some of the first free territories in these United States. Stoking the fires of passion will not sway them! We will enforce abolition in spite of the fearmongering rhetoric of the Democrats.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 2040, \"fields\": {\"question\": 1013, \"description\": \"He says these things as if it is something to be feared. We must grant these freed folk the same basic dignity they deserve, and we should be happy to have them throughout the North.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 2041, \"fields\": {\"question\": 1013, \"description\": \"We should make it clear to all that we have no plans to move blacks anywhere in the country they are not already. We are for freedom, not forced migration.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 2042, \"fields\": {\"question\": 1013, \"description\": \"This is a blatant falsehood. After the abolition of slavery, it is my hope to see people of African descent repatriated to the continent of their origin; Congress has provided funding for such a program since 1862.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 2043, \"fields\": {\"question\": 1014, \"description\": \"No, Mobile is neither the capital nor the largest city. We must hold off until we finally take Montgomery.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 2044, \"fields\": {\"question\": 1014, \"description\": \"Yes, but we will not grant it provisional statehood. We must make it clear Alabama is still an active arena of war.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 2045, \"fields\": {\"question\": 1014, \"description\": \"Yes, and we should prop up this provisional government as an honorary capital. By all intents and purposes, Alabama has been returned to the fold.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 2046, \"fields\": {\"question\": 1015, \"description\": \"By God, read it!\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 2047, \"fields\": {\"question\": 1016, \"description\": \"The time has come to put aside our petty quarrels, and put the primary issue of this election front and center: the abolition of slavery, and the fulfilment of that great promise of a nation where all men are created equal. We shall not tarry in this work.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 2048, \"fields\": {\"question\": 1016, \"description\": \"All together now. With the Radicals returned to the fold, we will flaunt our progress in the war with a full military parade and spread the message far and wide: the Union is ours to preserve, if only we stay the course.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 2049, \"fields\": {\"question\": 1016, \"description\": \"With the Radicals under control, we have a freer hand to reach out to moderates and Copperheads. Let them know the National Union ticket hears their concerns, and that the reconstruction of these United States will be a cooperative process.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 2050, \"fields\": {\"question\": 1016, \"description\": \"There is little to be gained by grand orations; we must seize this moment to reconcile the factions of the Republican Party, as well as the War Democrats, to be fully united going into November.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 2051, \"fields\": {\"question\": 1017, \"description\": \"Thank God. It is a pleasure to have him back in the fold.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 2052, \"fields\": {\"question\": 1017, \"description\": \"We do not need his endorsement. He has been a fairweather supporter from the beginning, and the Radicals will return to us whether or not he decides to listen to the wind.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 2053, \"fields\": {\"question\": 1017, \"description\": \"While his endorsement is welcome, I would much rather focus attention on Harper’s recent coverage of us. They frequently have looked on us more favorably and that paper is more popular with active duty troops.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 2054, \"fields\": {\"question\": 1018, \"description\": \"We cannot concede too much, as we need to keep operations running to maintain the war. Perhaps Frémont will see reason and endorse us out of the rightness of the cause?\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 2055, \"fields\": {\"question\": 1018, \"description\": \"Frémont is an egotist and we can use this to our advantage. Offer him a Military Governorship, maybe even the reclaimed Arizona Territory. A seat of power would be irresistible.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 2056, \"fields\": {\"question\": 1018, \"description\": \"His animosity with the Blair family is legendary. I will vow to drop Montgomery Blair from my cabinet in favor of a Radical Republican of Frémont’s choosing.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 2057, \"fields\": {\"question\": 1018, \"description\": \"His animosity with the Blair family is legendary. I will immediately drop Montgomery Blair from my cabinet, and indicate our openness to further concessions if it will secure his endorsement.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 2058, \"fields\": {\"question\": 1019, \"description\": \"We were in a different field in ‘62. The Border States were moments away from seceding; Andy Johnson had the foresight needed to keep them in the fray. His tenure, I will assure them, shall be no hindrance to our goals.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 2059, \"fields\": {\"question\": 1019, \"description\": \"Johnson did make this call, but he has seen the light of abolition for some time. Johnson will be an ally in passing the 13th Amendment, and the Radicals will see that in time.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 2060, \"fields\": {\"question\": 1019, \"description\": \"It was his request but it was my call. I am fully committed to ending this war, and if slavery need be slowly phased out in the Border States, so be it.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 2061, \"fields\": {\"question\": 1019, \"description\": \"We need to change the narrative completely. Johnson’s efforts as Military Governor have been anything but moderate, and we can sell the Radicals on his policies in office.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 2062, \"fields\": {\"question\": 1020, \"description\": \"Rest assured, Grant will have every resource at his disposal to take the fight to the rebels in the Shenandoah Valley.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 2063, \"fields\": {\"question\": 1020, \"description\": \"Rest assured, Grant will have every resource at his disposal to take the fight to the rebels in the Shenandoah Valley.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 2064, \"fields\": {\"question\": 1020, \"description\": \"Rest assured, Grant will have every resource at his disposal to take the fight to the rebels in the Shenandoah Valley.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 2065, \"fields\": {\"question\": 1020, \"description\": \"Such an operation at a politically volatile time as this may backfire. We’ll instruct Grant to keep the Army of the Potomac strictly on the defensive for now.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 2066, \"fields\": {\"question\": 1021, \"description\": \"I would like to go along with Stanton’s plan to allow soldiers to vote via absentee ballots. Away from the politics of it all, it would be a good way to allow our fighting men to have their say in the democratic process.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 2067, \"fields\": {\"question\": 1021, \"description\": \"I have no desire to enable soldiers to be voting while serving on the front. It would present a logistical nightmare, and they’re most likely to vote for McClellan in any case. No, I will not pursue an absentee ballot.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 2068, \"fields\": {\"question\": 1022, \"description\": \"We will declare a State of Emergency in the city, and send two regiments of armed regulars to patrol the streets. We’ll ask a New Yorker we know and trust, say Abner Doubleday, to take temporary governorship of the city until the election has passed.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 2069, \"fields\": {\"question\": 1022, \"description\": \"We will post gunships in the East River, but nothing beyond that. The threat of shelling will get our point across, we can be firm without being autocrats.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 2070, \"fields\": {\"question\": 1022, \"description\": \"This is all bluster. When the draft riots ended, New York saw very few boys sent to the front lines despite their fears. The people of the city will see reason when the day comes.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 2071, \"fields\": {\"question\": 1022, \"description\": \"We could work with local police, and directly coordinate with the Democratic Party bosses to keep the day peaceful. Nobody wants to see a repeat of last summer, no matter their animosity towards us.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 2072, \"fields\": {\"question\": 1023, \"description\": \"Grant has my utmost trust. Neither McClellan nor Halleck have been able to commit to the arithmetic of war, and Grant’s grand strategy gave us Atlanta, Mobile and the whole of Tennessee. Soon, Richmond.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 2073, \"fields\": {\"question\": 1023, \"description\": \"I am not happy with Grant’s progress. His actions show a disregard for his men’s lives, and his willingness to let Sherman burn Georgia to the ground will make Reconstruction a far harder process. Perhaps after election day we can arrange a meeting with Winfield Scott Hancock…\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 2074, \"fields\": {\"question\": 1024, \"description\": \"The Northwest is closer than we’d like, let’s focus on Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan and Ohio by reaching out to Germans, laborers and homesteaders.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 2075, \"fields\": {\"question\": 1024, \"description\": \"We can really tip the scale in the Border States. Missouri, Kentucky and Maryland could use the money, and scheduling a few extra military parades couldn’t hurt.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 2076, \"fields\": {\"question\": 1024, \"description\": \"New York continues to be the thorn in our side. We have to scratch every vote we can out of that state.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 2077, \"fields\": {\"question\": 1024, \"description\": \"We should focus less on any particular region, and more on ensuring we have our troops’ support. We need to put all our resources into pinning down the soldier vote.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 2078, \"fields\": {\"question\": 1025, \"description\": \"Put all resources into passing the Thirteenth Amendment. We can do it behind closed doors, but it needs to be done, and we cannot let the moment get away from us.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 2079, \"fields\": {\"question\": 1025, \"description\": \"There is no time for anything else. We need to focus on a decisive end to this War. All other matters are just noise.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 2080, \"fields\": {\"question\": 1025, \"description\": \"We have a real opportunity to impact policy even beyond our Administration. We need to fill as many Federal and State positions with our camp as possible. They will lay the groundwork for an aggressive Reconstruction, a transcontinental railroad, and expanding suffrage whether or not we win the election.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 2081, \"fields\": {\"question\": 1025, \"description\": \"We have a real opportunity to impact policy even beyond our Administration. We need to reinstate Tennessee and Louisiana back into the Union at any cost, and begin the process of rebuilding our American unity. A fast, soft Reconstruction will be the best path for a peaceful future.\"}}]"); campaignTrail_temp.states_json = JSON.parse("[{\"model\": \"campaign_trail.state\", \"pk\": 54, \"fields\": {\"name\": \"California\", \"abbr\": \"CA\", \"electoral_votes\": 5, \"popular_votes\": 105890, \"poll_closing_time\": 420, \"winner_take_all_flg\": 1, \"election\": 5}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.state\", \"pk\": 56, \"fields\": {\"name\": \"Connecticut\", \"abbr\": \"CT\", \"electoral_votes\": 6, \"popular_votes\": 86981, \"poll_closing_time\": 120, \"winner_take_all_flg\": 1, \"election\": 5}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.state\", \"pk\": 57, \"fields\": {\"name\": \"Delaware\", \"abbr\": \"DE\", \"electoral_votes\": 3, \"popular_votes\": 16922, \"poll_closing_time\": 60, \"winner_take_all_flg\": 1, \"election\": 5}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.state\", \"pk\": 61, \"fields\": {\"name\": \"Illinois\", \"abbr\": \"IL\", \"electoral_votes\": 16, \"popular_votes\": 348236, 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\"state_multiplier\": 0.065}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_score_state\", \"pk\": 8063, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 2057, \"state\": 68, \"candidate\": 20, \"affected_candidate\": 20, \"state_multiplier\": 0.062}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_score_state\", \"pk\": 8064, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 2057, \"state\": 69, \"candidate\": 20, \"affected_candidate\": 20, \"state_multiplier\": 0.16}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_score_state\", \"pk\": 8065, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 2057, \"state\": 69, \"candidate\": 20, \"affected_candidate\": 21, \"state_multiplier\": -0.105}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_score_state\", \"pk\": 8066, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 2057, \"state\": 70, \"candidate\": 20, \"affected_candidate\": 20, \"state_multiplier\": -0.13}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_score_state\", \"pk\": 8067, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 2057, \"state\": 71, \"candidate\": 20, \"affected_candidate\": 20, \"state_multiplier\": -0.22}}, {\"model\": 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\"candidate\": 20, \"affected_candidate\": 20, \"state_multiplier\": 0.23}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_score_state\", \"pk\": 8079, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 2057, \"state\": 91, \"candidate\": 20, \"affected_candidate\": 21, \"state_multiplier\": -0.23}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_score_state\", \"pk\": 8080, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 2057, \"state\": 94, \"candidate\": 20, \"affected_candidate\": 20, \"state_multiplier\": 0.075}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_score_state\", \"pk\": 8081, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 2057, \"state\": 95, \"candidate\": 20, \"affected_candidate\": 20, \"state_multiplier\": -0.14}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_score_state\", \"pk\": 8082, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 2068, \"state\": 79, \"candidate\": 20, \"affected_candidate\": 20, \"state_multiplier\": -0.042}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_score_state\", \"pk\": 8083, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 2070, \"state\": 79, \"candidate\": 20, \"affected_candidate\": 20, \"state_multiplier\": -0.01}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_score_state\", \"pk\": 8084, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 2071, \"state\": 79, \"candidate\": 20, \"affected_candidate\": 20, \"state_multiplier\": -0.004}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_score_state\", \"pk\": 8201, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 2074, \"state\": 70, \"candidate\": 20, \"affected_candidate\": 20, \"state_multiplier\": 0.0025}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_score_state\", \"pk\": 8202, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 2074, \"state\": 71, \"candidate\": 20, \"affected_candidate\": 20, \"state_multiplier\": 0.0025}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_score_state\", \"pk\": 8203, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 2074, \"state\": 82, \"candidate\": 20, \"affected_candidate\": 20, \"state_multiplier\": 0.0025}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_score_state\", \"pk\": 8204, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 2074, \"state\": 95, \"candidate\": 20, \"affected_candidate\": 20, \"state_multiplier\": 0.0025}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_score_state\", \"pk\": 8205, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 2075, \"state\": 65, \"candidate\": 20, \"affected_candidate\": 20, \"state_multiplier\": 0.0033}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_score_state\", \"pk\": 8206, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 2075, \"state\": 68, \"candidate\": 20, \"affected_candidate\": 20, \"state_multiplier\": 0.0033}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_score_state\", \"pk\": 8207, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 2075, \"state\": 73, \"candidate\": 20, \"affected_candidate\": 20, \"state_multiplier\": 0.0033}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_score_state\", \"pk\": 8208, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 2076, \"state\": 79, \"candidate\": 20, \"affected_candidate\": 20, \"state_multiplier\": 0.005}}]"); campaignTrail_temp.answer_feedback_json = JSON.parse("[{\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 482, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 1352, \"candidate\": 20, \"answer_feedback\": \"A round of polite applause breaks out among those present. Your speech was filled with ideological points and homages to visionaries of yore; the hallowed dead go without much mention.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 483, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 1353, \"candidate\": 20, \"answer_feedback\": \"A lot of people tuned out after the fourteenth verse. Newspapers are making hay with the tone-deafness you displayed in this jejune ramble. So much for the honored dead.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 484, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 1354, \"candidate\": 20, \"answer_feedback\": \"True to form, you speak for all of five minutes and deliver a speech destined for the history books. The crowd loved it, especially after withstanding Edward Everett’s preceding two-hour oration.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 486, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 1356, \"candidate\": 20, \"answer_feedback\": \"Halleck is thankful for your support, and he agrees to a steady maneuver to a more defensible line. While Gordon Meade’s new position in Culpeper County is secure, the press does not look kindly on such a cautious approach.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 487, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 1357, \"candidate\": 20, \"answer_feedback\": \"Halleck does indeed move on Lee, greenlighting Gordon Meade’s Mine Run Campaign. The movement becomes a complete false start, as Lee easily outmaneuvers the Army of the Potomac, and Meade retreats even further North from whence the campaign started.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 488, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 1358, \"candidate\": 20, \"answer_feedback\": \"While your opponents make hay about the lack of movement in Virginia, Stanton maintains the other fronts are stunning successes. Halleck remains a happy subordinate, but it does seem as though you will end the year without another victory.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 490, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 1371, \"candidate\": 20, \"answer_feedback\": \"This ought to do the trick, but keep in mind you’ve spurned the chance to make a new friend and diverted desperately-needed campaign funds.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 502, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 1399, \"candidate\": 20, \"answer_feedback\": \"At this point, a challenge from the Radical wing is beginning to look inevitable. You’d best keep an eye on Chase, but it also cannot be denied that he has managed the Treasury admirably in his time there.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 506, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 1411, \"candidate\": 20, \"answer_feedback\": \"By making your intentions crystal clear, you have moved the window of discussion firmly towards abolition and made a friend of the Radicals, leaving the Democrats in the dust with their outdated compromises.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 507, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 1415, \"candidate\": 20, \"answer_feedback\": \"McClellan steers clear of you during his stay in Washington, and that’s that. The newspapers make much of the apparent animus between the two of you, but avoiding him may have been best for your health.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 508, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 1416, \"candidate\": 20, \"answer_feedback\": \"McClellan declines your offer of even a strictly personal rendezvous, which you suppose is to his detriment anyway. When word gets out to the press, he comes off as a preening dilettante and you a pitiful ex-lover.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 515, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 1455, \"candidate\": 20, \"answer_feedback\": \"Drawing attention to McClellan’s ego and dramatic pronouncements may be the character issue you need to turn this race around. He certainly shares certain traits with Frémont in that regard.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 516, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 1456, \"candidate\": 20, \"answer_feedback\": \"Public opinion on your conduct of the war is improving daily, so you will be well-served by hitching your fortunes to that wagon. McClellan may be a General, but his failures are well-known.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 517, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 1457, \"candidate\": 20, \"answer_feedback\": \"Your operatives meet some success in painting McClellan as a spineless crony for the old Hunkers. Time will tell how he plans to refute this image.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 520, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 1460, \"candidate\": 20, \"answer_feedback\": \"Frémont may be nothing more than sour grapes, but there is concern that the Radical Republicans, dissatisfied with your hesitance, may rally around him as a totem for their factional interests.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 521, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 1461, \"candidate\": 20, \"answer_feedback\": \"This was a good idea. While it won’t do anything to win back Radicals strictly policy-wise, it is a good idea to focus on boosting turnout to mitigate any damaging effects of a potential Frémont candidacy.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 522, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 1462, \"candidate\": 20, \"answer_feedback\": \"You should know the kind of man Frémont is, and so you must know that he won’t take this slander lying down. Already he has begun rallying Radicals around him in quiet opposition to you.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 524, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 1464, \"candidate\": 20, \"answer_feedback\": \"Vallandigham is certainly a roguish villain as any. Despite the persistent Democratic enmity toward you, the revelation of his speeches to crowds of Copperheads goes some way in scaring War Democrats to your camp.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 525, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 1465, \"candidate\": 20, \"answer_feedback\": \"You have made similar remarks in the past, so your latest pronunciation surprises few; nevertheless, you may have been better served to focus on the issue of the war than to turn off some of your own party as you just did.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 526, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 1466, \"candidate\": 20, \"answer_feedback\": \"This line of thinking relies on simple assumptions, but maybe that’s not so bad. It is certainly true that every Union victory sees a growth in enthusiasm for your candidacy.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 528, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 1468, \"candidate\": 20, \"answer_feedback\": \"This is a rather cavalier thing to say, despite being technically correct. There are serious concerns to be had with Grant’s battle record. You can only hope they’ll dissipate as time goes on.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 529, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 1469, \"candidate\": 20, \"answer_feedback\": \"A private vow does little to convince his opponents, and things are made all the messier when Henry Halleck himself admits to you that he began those rumors while serving over Grant in Tennessee.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 530, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 1470, \"candidate\": 20, \"answer_feedback\": \"The papers may concoct outlandish stories and draw their defamatory caricatures, but Grant will doubtlessly win the backing of the public in the field, not the press.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 531, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 1471, \"candidate\": 20, \"answer_feedback\": \"Any doubts about Grant’s capabilities should be dispelled by his heroism during the Vicksburg campaign. With your spirited backing, what little controversy remains will evaporate with each victory.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 532, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 1472, \"candidate\": 20, \"answer_feedback\": \"While the vote fails, your caucus appreciates your steadfast support of the bill. This may ease the Radical split from your party.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 533, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 1473, \"candidate\": 20, \"answer_feedback\": \"This may have been your smartest bet to get the bill passed, though your caucus is disappointed at your desire to do it behind closed doors.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 534, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 1474, \"candidate\": 20, \"answer_feedback\": \"This makes you seem uncaring and distant to the Radicals in Congress, but you will doubtlessly benefit in the North from your public support. The bill, however, still has a long way to go.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 536, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 1476, \"candidate\": 20, \"answer_feedback\": \"The Unionists of eastern Tennessee are delighted and will surely carry the state for you this year. Radical Republicans are encouraged by your firm hand on this matter, while Democrats decry your loyalty oath as an act of tyranny.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 537, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 1477, \"candidate\": 20, \"answer_feedback\": \"As the first state to be readmitted to the Union, many decry your apparent softness on the southern traitors as a sign of things to come, and Frederick Douglass denounces it scathingly.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 538, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 1478, \"candidate\": 20, \"answer_feedback\": \"You may be better served by postponing a final decision on Tennessee, and your machinations to punish the traitors there will bolster your tough image.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 546, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 1528, \"candidate\": 20, \"answer_feedback\": \"Many New Yorkers remain unmoved by your campaign, however as more letters praising you come home, it is irrefutable that New York’s sons have good feelings towards you.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 552, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 1558, \"candidate\": 20, \"answer_feedback\": \"Sherman’s forces make a detour westward, managing to wrest control of the Red River and hasten the capture of Mobile. The victory makes for good press, though it will delay the capture of Atlanta.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 553, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 1566, \"candidate\": 20, \"answer_feedback\": \"What?! California has done much to bar Chinese from voting, and many of your supporters see these folk as wage-killing invaders. This would be noble in the 20th century perhaps, but it’s seen as your worst policy call in the present day.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 5101, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 1369, \"candidate\": 20, \"answer_feedback\": \"In a telegram, Greeley loudly accuses you of attempting to influence the journalistic integrity of his paper. Now, the headline is that you are desperate for good press. The road to hell is paved with good intentions…\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 5102, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 1370, \"candidate\": 20, \"answer_feedback\": \"For all the talk of your shrewdness, you seem to have missed the mark here. Greeley only decries your administration more loudly, and openly calls for your replacement on the Republican ticket.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 51021, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 2101, \"candidate\": 20, \"answer_feedback\": \"This may be the more prudent option overall. One can only hope Greeley will come around as the success of the war effort grows more apparent.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 5103, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 1408, \"candidate\": 20, \"answer_feedback\": \"It is much like you to choose the road of patience and caution, though you will receive much grief from the Radicals. Your work to twist the arms of potential opponents begins here, and with luck will bear fruit in the end.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 5104, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 1409, \"candidate\": 20, \"answer_feedback\": \"Your silence on this issue is questioned by Radicals, and though discretion may be the better part of valor, many voters think you haven’t made your mind up on the issue, which will not help you on either side.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 5105, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 1410, \"candidate\": 20, \"answer_feedback\": \"Your rhetoric will certainly fan the flames of northern abolitionist sentiment, and hopefully do some good to win over the support of Radicals and move abolition into the mainstream.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 5106, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 1400, \"candidate\": 20, \"answer_feedback\": \"With a challenge from the Radicals looking ever more likely, your overtures to Chase do not go unnoticed. He ceases his incessant threats of resignation, which should give you some breathing room.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 5107, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 1401, \"candidate\": 20, \"answer_feedback\": \"Your maneuvering against Chase does not go unnoticed, and privately there emerges a clear rift between the two of you. This cannot bode well.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 5108, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 2102, \"candidate\": 20, \"answer_feedback\": \"McClellan agrees to attend the meeting, but arrives with newsmen in tow. The planned cordial discussion quickly devolves into a screaming match, and when the papers blame Stanton you cannot help but wonder if you played into the Young Napoleon’s hand…\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 5109, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 1360, \"candidate\": 20, \"answer_feedback\": \"Halleck takes the demotion with dignity, and admits he had planned to offer this shift in position himself if the occasion were to arise. The two men seem to complement each other’s skills well.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 5110, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 1361, \"candidate\": 20, \"answer_feedback\": \"Halleck is devastated by this decision. While he will cease to be a problem, you’ve gone and crushed the poor man’s spirit.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 5111, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 2103, \"candidate\": 20, \"answer_feedback\": \"After all the crud and blame Halleck had to endure from personalities like McClellan, Pope and Burnside, this feels like the final burn in a long string of insults. He resigns his commission, bringing unwanted attention from the press.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 5112, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 2104, \"candidate\": 20, \"answer_feedback\": \"These terms are satisfactory to Halleck, who begrudgingly accepts your offer. You’re sure that in time, he will come to appreciate his post, but for now he is somewhat bitter.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 5113, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 1559, \"candidate\": 20, \"answer_feedback\": \"This is reflective of the majority opinion, and will help you with moderates despite frustrating civil rights activists.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 5114, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 1560, \"candidate\": 20, \"answer_feedback\": \"Your words are inspiring to countless freedmen whose enthusiasm for the cause will strike fear into the hearts of slavers—to most everyone else, this position is pure poison, and will cost you dearly.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 5115, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 2105, \"candidate\": 20, \"answer_feedback\": \"We do remember. You lost your election. Perhaps this is wise, but many Republicans were hoping for more. You will have to contend with Radicals who take your silence for indifference.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 5116, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 2106, \"candidate\": 20, \"answer_feedback\": \"Colonization lost its luster a long time ago. Most abolitionists and blacks want integration and voting rights, not deportation to a foreign land bound to have a harsher clime than even the deepest South.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 5117, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 1026, \"candidate\": 20, \"answer_feedback\": \"Negative stories about Frémont circulate across the nation near-immediately, but this may also have the unfortunate effect of giving his candidacy more attention.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 5118, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 1027, \"candidate\": 20, \"answer_feedback\": \"Chase firmly declares his neutrality in the coming dustup, which you know is code for tacit support of Frémont. You will likely have to strike a costly deal with him going forward to keep him in your camp.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 5119, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 1028, \"candidate\": 20, \"answer_feedback\": \"This may be about all you can do, as it is uncertain at this point just how strong this splinter faction can aspire to be. Regardless, this is very bad news for you.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 5120, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 1029, \"candidate\": 20, \"answer_feedback\": \"Your cabinet struggles to make sense of your strident attitude towards a serious challenge from the flank. You ought to be very cautious—some in your party won’t hesitate to knife you in the gut, given the chance.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 5121, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 1363, \"candidate\": 20, \"answer_feedback\": \"It is not lost on anyone that you picked what was once one of the largest slave markets in the Union, an appreciated metaphor for your Unity ticket. The Radicals, meanwhile, convene in Cleveland.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 5122, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 1364, \"candidate\": 20, \"answer_feedback\": \"There is some chatter about the factors that went into picking Chicago as a convention site. Rumors abound of inner circle scheming, while the Radicals convene in Cleveland.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 5123, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 2107, \"candidate\": 20, \"answer_feedback\": \"Hosting the convention in Providence sends an unmistakable message to the nation, and is quick to draw the praise of abolitionist pundits. War Democrats are certainly made somewhat uncomfortable during their stay.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 5124, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 2108, \"candidate\": 20, \"answer_feedback\": \"The convention is held in the shadow of fresh graves leftover from last year’s fighting. By all means an invigorating success, it overshadows that of the Radicals, who met in Cleveland last week.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 5125, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 1608, \"candidate\": 20, \"answer_feedback\": \"This is the most persuasive argument you can employ right now. In spite of partisan grievances, a great majority of voters want to see this War won, and with any luck will entrust you with its continuation.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 5126, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 1609, \"candidate\": 20, \"answer_feedback\": \"This is a decent response if you’re trying to appeal to moderate voters and Democrats, and more importantly, push concerns about the conduct of the War by the wayside.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 5127, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 1610, \"candidate\": 20, \"answer_feedback\": \"You are certainly running an aggressively partisan campaign. While this will help keep Radicals loyal, some question if your ticket is one of “National Union” in name only.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 5128, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 1617, \"candidate\": 20, \"answer_feedback\": \"Hamlin was unaware that this was your personal prerogative, and is saddened and embittered to find out. While consoled somewhat by your assurances, he cannot find it in himself to campaign for you.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 5129, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 1618, \"candidate\": 20, \"answer_feedback\": \"Though he cannot mask his disappointment at the Convention’s mistreatment of him, Hamlin will spiritedly campaign for the ticket nonetheless.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 5130, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 1619, \"candidate\": 20, \"answer_feedback\": \"Hamlin is infuriated by your open denouncement, and though he keeps his anger private, he will doubtlessly throw his weight behind the Radical faction when the time comes.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 5131, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 2109, \"candidate\": 20, \"answer_feedback\": \"In actuality this was your doing, but you might win some Radical sympathies by pretending otherwise. Regardless, your rhetoric does little to help the National Union Party stay united.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 5132, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 1615, \"candidate\": 20, \"answer_feedback\": \"Grant’s relentless pursuit leads to the Battle of Spotsylvania Court House, which quickly turns into a slaughter, the war’s costliest so far. Both sides claim victory, though Grant points to the path he has carved toward Richmond…\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 5133, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 1616, \"candidate\": 20, \"answer_feedback\": \"Lee takes up a defensive position by the North Anna, seizing the initiative and daring Grant to ford the river and engage. The stalemate continues, though with fewer casualties on both sides than there could have been.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 5134, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 2110, \"candidate\": 20, \"answer_feedback\": \"Grant’s men have left the scene for now, but Franz Sigel suffers an embarrassing defeat to John Breckinridge and a band of students at New Market, forcing a delay to the capture of Staunton.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 5136, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 1555, \"candidate\": 20, \"answer_feedback\": \"Sherman sends word of his obedience, but it is no secret he is frustrated by your order to stay put. His forced inaction may cost the Union Army a valuable victory in that region.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 5137, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 1556, \"candidate\": 20, \"answer_feedback\": \"True to his word, Sherman proceeds in the task of making Georgia howl. Despite a setback at Kennesaw Mountain, his momentum goes unchecked as the Division of the Mississippi marches towards Atlanta.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 5138, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 1557, \"candidate\": 20, \"answer_feedback\": \"Sherman appreciates your confidence, and proceeds in his march southeast. News of a defeat at Kennesaw Mountain soon makes its way to you, but you maintain your confidence as Sherman approaches Atlanta.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 5139, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 1526, \"candidate\": 20, \"answer_feedback\": \"In what world do you think Tammany Hall would endorse a Republican? When news of this gets out, cries of corruption and incompetence atwo ring throughout the Union.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 5140, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 1527, \"candidate\": 20, \"answer_feedback\": \"Seward is more than happy to sing your praise in the state he once governed, however outside of New York there are questions as to why you would distract your Secretary of State in a time of War.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 5141, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 2111, \"candidate\": 20, \"answer_feedback\": \"Fillmore is more than happy to tout a Unionist message, but he was never truly a Republican. He admits in private correspondence he may even support a Democrat, depending on the nominee…\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 5142, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 1523, \"candidate\": 20, \"answer_feedback\": \"The papers are calling it “The Battle of Cold Harbor”, and some 13,000 Union Soldiers lie dead. Politically, this is perhaps the worst moment for a loss; Grant seems unfazed despite the grave damage to his reputation.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 5143, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 1524, \"candidate\": 20, \"answer_feedback\": \"The ensuing “Battle of Hanover Junction” did little but reroute Lee’s march toward Richmond. You can technically tout a field victory, but Grant’s position remains nearly the same.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 5144, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 1525, \"candidate\": 20, \"answer_feedback\": \"Eleven days Phil Sheridan chases down Lee’s cavalry, and eleven days they evade him. This does little but give Lee ample time to fortify the city of Richmond.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 5145, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 2112, \"candidate\": 20, \"answer_feedback\": \"Lee has taken advantage of the moment, and “The Battle of Piping Tree” sees him flank Grant and push him even further away from Richmond. This was an unmitigated disaster, and Grant is not subtle in blaming you for slowing him down.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 5146, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 1510, \"candidate\": 20, \"answer_feedback\": \"This could not have come at a better time. Industrialists, especially in large cities like Cleveland and Chicago, applaud the measure, and you are finally getting some good press.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 5147, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 1511, \"candidate\": 20, \"answer_feedback\": \"Why would you do this? The only regions where the railroad was unpopular have seceded, and you desperately need a victory.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 5148, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 1512, \"candidate\": 20, \"answer_feedback\": \"This is an issue Greeley has deep feelings for, but your gestures toward him seem suspect. The Tribune congratulates Congress for passing the bill, and you go without mention.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 5149, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 1599, \"candidate\": 20, \"answer_feedback\": \"There is little pushback to this bill, which is appreciated by many taxpayers. It will help raise some $250,000,000 in sorely-needed revenue.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 5150, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 1600, \"candidate\": 20, \"answer_feedback\": \"Your actions have enraged and confused the political world. This was an initiative led by your own party, in line with your prior policy. What has gotten into you lately?\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 5151, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 1564, \"candidate\": 20, \"answer_feedback\": \"Many Forty-Eighters have enlisted at the encouragement of local Turner clubs, and this will help your outreach with those who have “gone to fight mit Sigel.”\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 5152, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 1565, \"candidate\": 20, \"answer_feedback\": \"Your advisers claimed that this would be foolhardy, but Irish “Republican Clubs” in Boston and New York have seen record turnouts since your statements for them.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 5153, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 2113, \"candidate\": 20, \"answer_feedback\": \"The remnants of the Know-Nothings were already fast in line due to Irish support for McClellan, while there are masses of Germans in the West whose votes and enlistments hinge on your outreach. This may not be wise.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 5001, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 2001, \"candidate\": 20, \"answer_feedback\": \"While your position is understandable, word of your anger towards Greeley seems to have only encouraged him; his long-winded critiques of your administration are flying by at a million words a minute.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 5002, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 2002, \"candidate\": 20, \"answer_feedback\": \"Unexpectedly, you find much common ground with Greeley. While stopping short of endorsing you, the Tribune brings itself in line with your administration on a variety of issues, and ceases its constant nagging.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 5003, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 2003, \"candidate\": 20, \"answer_feedback\": \"You’ve opted to play the long game. It can certainly work, as a hasty endorsement of Frémont would leave Greeley looking the fool when victory becomes a certainty. Perhaps this explains his reticence.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 5004, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 2004, \"candidate\": 20, \"answer_feedback\": \"West Virginia heartily agrees, Mr. President.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 5005, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 2005, \"candidate\": 20, \"answer_feedback\": \"There are a number of constitutional mechanisms and the unfortunate reality of West Virginia’s admission as a state which make your hopes unlikely, if not impossible. And you’ve surely annoyed West Virginians in the process.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 5006, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 2006, \"candidate\": 20, \"answer_feedback\": \"When word of your plan gets out, it causes outrage among Democrats who might otherwise be amenable to your cause. To many, it smacks of cronyism, and is a step too far.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 5007, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 2007, \"candidate\": 20, \"answer_feedback\": \"In a locale relatively distant from the War, it is right to focus on issues more pertinent to the State’s population. The railroad should be as winning an issue here as ever, while the massive deposits of silver have created a mining community certain to support you.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 5008, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 2008, \"candidate\": 20, \"answer_feedback\": \"Your administration has had good relations with Brigham Young and the Mormons, and consequently they are united in their support of you. With continued assurances on a certain anti-polygamy law, they will happily deliver Nevada to the ticket.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 5009, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 2009, \"candidate\": 20, \"answer_feedback\": \"The difficulties in sending a copy of Nevada’s constitution from a remote location will soon result in the longest telegraph in world history. You are right in your outlook—Nevada will vote for you no matter what.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 5010, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 2010, \"candidate\": 20, \"answer_feedback\": \"Johnson proves an effective orator in the border states, and his imposition of a stringent loyalty oath in Tennessee should help keep that state under your thumb.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 5011, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 2011, \"candidate\": 20, \"answer_feedback\": \"While you may be leaving an opportunity on the table, Johnson ensures the passage of an abolitionist Constitution just in time for the election, and should ensure that Tennessee’s electoral votes are counted by Congress.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 5012, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 2012, \"candidate\": 20, \"answer_feedback\": \"Why would you select Andrew Johnson if not to reach out to a new voting bloc? He certainly takes your snub on the chin, and takes offense to your characterization of him as an alcoholic. He will be of little use to you now.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 5013, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 2013, \"candidate\": 20, \"answer_feedback\": \"Johnson is received warmly throughout the North, and will help with War Democrats, but that crucial demographic of Copperheads remains hostile. Furthermore, the pace of reintegration in Tennessee slows to a worrying crawl.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 5014, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 2014, \"candidate\": 20, \"answer_feedback\": \"Grant begins the siege at your command, employing Meade, Butler and Burnside to help him do it. He is likely to be tied up until next spring, but hopefully the capture of Petersburg will be well worth it.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 5015, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 2015, \"candidate\": 20, \"answer_feedback\": \"The plan does not go well. After Baldy Smith’s delayed assault fails to capture the city, Grant is forced to set up a siege of Petersburg, attracting negative headlines and likely tying him up until next summer.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 5016, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 2016, \"candidate\": 20, \"answer_feedback\": \"Success! Baldy Smith’s decisive assault has greatly advanced the position of the Union Army, and Petersburg is surely soon to fall! This could possibly hasten the end of the war by six months or more.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 5017, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 2017, \"candidate\": 20, \"answer_feedback\": \"A series of skirmishes results in Grant encircling Petersburg, a real coup which should see the city in Union hands by January. Your gamble paid off.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 5018, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 2018, \"candidate\": 20, \"answer_feedback\": \"Blair is, at the least, satisfied by your reasoning, and will continue his attempts to arrange a face-to-face once winter comes and the election is over with.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 5019, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 2019, \"candidate\": 20, \"answer_feedback\": \"Your insistence has alienated Blair, who will attempt to obstruct the passage of the amendment in due course. It is unlikely he will succeed, but in any case, such talk must wait for after the election.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 5020, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 2020, \"candidate\": 20, \"answer_feedback\": \"Blair runs your message back to Davis, who earnestly believes the two of you may find common ground on the Mexico issue. A meeting will be set up for December—in the meantime, you will have to win re-election.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 5021, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 2021, \"candidate\": 20, \"answer_feedback\": \"You get to watch the skirmish from Fort Stevens as the city’s defenses easily hold Early back. You may have greater instincts than many claim.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 5022, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 2022, \"candidate\": 20, \"answer_feedback\": \"The attack comes, but the small detachment of troops left to guard the city easily holds them back. Even allies in the city seem disgruntled at being forced to uproot without cause, and the press has not been kind.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 5023, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 2023, \"candidate\": 20, \"answer_feedback\": \"Grant’s plan to blow up the enemy trench was delayed by two hours, and the charge quickly became a slaughter once Mahone organized a counterattack. It is unlikely to hamper the siege effort, but this stunning defeat is very bad for your public image.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 5024, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 2024, \"candidate\": 20, \"answer_feedback\": \"Grant’s plan did not quite succeed, as most of the explosives planted beneath the enemy failed to detonate. With the abandonment of that plan, the siege will continue on.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 5025, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 2025, \"candidate\": 20, \"answer_feedback\": \"A stunning success! The bomb eviscerated an entire enemy regiment instantaneously, and the resulting encirclement by Burnside will lead to the surrender of Petersburg by September. Richmond is surely to follow.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 5026, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 2026, \"candidate\": 20, \"answer_feedback\": \"Grant is disappointed, but continues the siege. Without further scheming, you can expect Petersburg to come to Union hands on schedule.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 5027, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 2027, \"candidate\": 20, \"answer_feedback\": \"This will be a winning strategy. Some disaffected Copperheads might vote for McClellan, but you have a winning platform and a solid record to run on.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 5028, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 2028, \"candidate\": 20, \"answer_feedback\": \"The focus on an attacking campaign isn’t appreciated by Democrats, but McClellan makes a very easy target. This should likewise be an easy election for you.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 5029, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 2029, \"candidate\": 20, \"answer_feedback\": \"With all your efforts at the time to convince Americans that Antietam was actually a victory, it makes little sense now to call it a loss and lay the blame at McClellan’s feet.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 50291, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 20291, \"candidate\": 20, \"answer_feedback\": \"This will be a persuasive argument. Many War Democrats are aghast at the capture of their party by yellow-bellied equivocators, and they will surely flock to your campaign soon enough.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 5030, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 2030, \"candidate\": 20, \"answer_feedback\": \"It seems your attempt at entrapment has failed. McClellan denounces the Copperhead platform, choosing instead to reconcile the moderate Peace Democrats, led by Seymour. This will stop a good number of War Democrats from leaving the fold quite yet.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 5031, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 2031, \"candidate\": 20, \"answer_feedback\": \"Many War Democrats are terrified by the sway that Vallandigham has on their party. By making the choice starkly clear, you will drive many of them to your camp, though McClellan will do his best to keep them.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 5032, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 2032, \"candidate\": 20, \"answer_feedback\": \"You would certainly like to think so. But many in your party see Frémont as a real threat, and are concerned by your passivity.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 5033, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 2033, \"candidate\": 20, \"answer_feedback\": \"This should be the antidote to your woes with the Radicals. Abolition is becoming increasingly popular, and in time the bolters will realize that another term of Lincoln is their best bet for making it so.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 5034, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 2034, \"candidate\": 20, \"answer_feedback\": \"The very fact of Frémont’s candidacy is an indication that the Radicals disagree with this sentiment. Simple appeals to continuity will do little for you at this juncture.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 5035, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 2035, \"candidate\": 20, \"answer_feedback\": \"While you have won the support of many black activists during your term in office, many, including Frederick Douglass, express their frustration that you seem unwilling to go further.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 5036, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 2036, \"candidate\": 20, \"answer_feedback\": \"Black suffrage is a very controversial issue, even if slavery is scorned across the North. You will certainly win votes in states with high proportions of freedmen, but brace for a hit from white moderates.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 5037, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 2037, \"candidate\": 20, \"answer_feedback\": \"This is the unfortunate truth of the matter. You should have secured enough of the black vote with the Emancipation Proclamation for it not to matter anyway.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 5038, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 2038, \"candidate\": 20, \"answer_feedback\": \"Your campaign leans heavily into advertising among the families of enlisted black men, bolstered by your productive meetings with Frederick Douglass on the topics of soldier pay and the rescue of enslaved blacks in the South.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 5039, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 2039, \"candidate\": 20, \"answer_feedback\": \"This may be true of New England, but New York and the crucial Northwestern states have a more complicated view of race relations.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 5040, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 2040, \"candidate\": 20, \"answer_feedback\": \"You will certainly win the admiration of all blacks with this stance, but most northerners abhor the thought of negroes flooding into their cities and becoming a permanent fixture in America.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 5041, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 2041, \"candidate\": 20, \"answer_feedback\": \"This has been the party line for many years now, and represents a shift from your prior stated view favoring colonization.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 5042, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 2042, \"candidate\": 20, \"answer_feedback\": \"Colonization is a more or less dead idea, and you are not well-served in attempting to revive it. Blacks do not want to return to Africa, they want to participate in the great American project as any white man could.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 5043, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 2043, \"candidate\": 20, \"answer_feedback\": \"This plan is in line with your previous actions. With the fall of Mobile Bay, the capture of the rest of the city and Alabama can’t be far off.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 5044, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 2044, \"candidate\": 20, \"answer_feedback\": \"This means Alabama will be unable to vote in this November’s election. With most of the state still in rebel hands, this may be the most appropriate course of action.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 5045, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 2045, \"candidate\": 20, \"answer_feedback\": \"A bold position, but many see this as nothing more than political theater. This may hurt you more than you hoped. Congress will doubtlessly reject Alabama electors, in any case.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 5046, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 2046, \"candidate\": 20, \"answer_feedback\": \"“Atlanta is ours, and fairly won.”\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 5047, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 2047, \"candidate\": 20, \"answer_feedback\": \"The Party and the nation are rejuvenated by your words. Many who once wavered now lend you their full-throated endorsement to beat the rebel crew once and for all.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 5048, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 2048, \"candidate\": 20, \"answer_feedback\": \"You are in an envious position with the recovery of Radical support, though hesitating to push the margin on slavery will make this a winner with mostly Democrats.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 5049, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 2049, \"candidate\": 20, \"answer_feedback\": \"Most moderates who were wavering are now voting for you anyway, and you have given some Radicals second thoughts by using their homecoming to plot a pivot.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 5050, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 2050, \"candidate\": 20, \"answer_feedback\": \"There are enough good feelings within the National Union camp for figures on both extremes to agree to postpone internecine squabbles until after the election. This will help you.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 5051, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 2051, \"candidate\": 20, \"answer_feedback\": \"With Greeley’s endorsement, many Radical Republicans seem to rethink their opposition to you. The tides are indeed turning.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 5052, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 2052, \"candidate\": 20, \"answer_feedback\": \"You’ve certainly held to some principle, but Greeley’s shadow still looms large. This was perhaps not the best time for pride, as his withholding an endorsement delays the coming-home of many Radical Republicans.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 5053, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 2053, \"candidate\": 20, \"answer_feedback\": \"This is risky, with the Tribune’s popularity in the North’s largest cities. You aren’t wrong that the army reads another way, though, perhaps this gambit will pay off.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 5054, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 2054, \"candidate\": 20, \"answer_feedback\": \"While he agrees his dropping out of the race will be best for the war effort, Frémont cannot bring himself to publicly endorse you. Many Radical Republicans begrudgingly rejoin your coalition, but their passion is tepid at best.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 5055, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 2055, \"candidate\": 20, \"answer_feedback\": \"He came to you with a gift and you respond with an insult? Frémont refuses to drop out of the race, and continues to exacerbate the Republican split. McClellan is likely smiling back in Trenton.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 5056, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 2056, \"candidate\": 20, \"answer_feedback\": \"In addition to removing the pesky Blair from your cabinet, Frémont’s revenge for past grievances makes him happy to drop out. While not endorsing you, he does write a piece in the Tribune praising Grant.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 5057, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 2057, \"candidate\": 20, \"answer_feedback\": \"The ‘further concession’ ends up putting Salmon Chase on the Supreme Court. Seeing a more Radical bent to your administration, Frémont is happy to endorse you to carry the war through. With this, you’ve removed a major thorn in your side.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 5058, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 2058, \"candidate\": 20, \"answer_feedback\": \"Your words will do little to calm the Radicals, but hopefully with time they will come around.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 5059, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 2059, \"candidate\": 20, \"answer_feedback\": \"This promise is met with disbelief, and the Radicals are less convinced than ever that you are serious about abolition.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 5060, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 2060, \"candidate\": 20, \"answer_feedback\": \"You are certainly arousing suspicion and great concern within the Radical camp, but in the North Johnson is seen as something of a hero. This will strike a chord with moderates.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 5061, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 2061, \"candidate\": 20, \"answer_feedback\": \"Johnson is known for his oratory, and his grandstanding speeches expressing a newfound abolitionist sentiment begins to slowly convince your doubters.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 5062, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 2062, \"candidate\": 20, \"answer_feedback\": \"A stunning victory! Grant’s forces under “Little Phil” Sheridan savage the rebel menace at Cedar Creek and drive back Lee from Washington, likely stymieing any future threat to the capital.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 5063, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 2063, \"candidate\": 20, \"answer_feedback\": \"Grant’s men fight well at Hawksbill Creek, but he is unable to score a decisive victory. McClellan quickly seizes on the moment to assert that your leadership has put the security of Washington in jeopardy.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 5064, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 2064, \"candidate\": 20, \"answer_feedback\": \"A catastrophe! While the Rebel forces were successfully held back at Apple Orchard Mountain, Phil Sheridan was killed in the proceedings. His men have been routed back to Grant’s defensive line, and morale throughout the Army of the Potomac has fallen to an all-time low.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 5065, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 2065, \"candidate\": 20, \"answer_feedback\": \"Grant is frustrated by your reticence to commit resources to clearing the Shenandoah, and as a result his forces are continually harassed by Jubal Early’s cavalry, likely to persist until the end of the war.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 5066, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 2066, \"candidate\": 20, \"answer_feedback\": \"Stanton devises a new system, guided by the States, to allow soldiers to mail in their votes from the front lines. This marks the birth of the absentee ballot system, and will be appreciated by many fighting for the Union.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 5067, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 2067, \"candidate\": 20, \"answer_feedback\": \"You’re within your rights to be cautious, but you’ve passed up a great opportunity to win more votes from a bloc that may not be so sympathetic to McClellan as you would think.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 5068, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 2068, \"candidate\": 20, \"answer_feedback\": \"Suddenly, the Democrats calling you tyrant have a lot more fuel for their fire. This will hurt you even outside of New York. Doubleday quickly becomes the target for voters’ ire, and regrets ever taking on the commission.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 5069, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 2069, \"candidate\": 20, \"answer_feedback\": \"This was perhaps a bit strong, but the tension does seem to dissipate in the city. Hopefully you are not keeping too many voters home.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 5070, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 2070, \"candidate\": 20, \"answer_feedback\": \"After a freedman in the Five Points is hung for singing a tune in support of your campaign, all hell seems prepared to break loose. This will be a long, hot November.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 5071, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 2071, \"candidate\": 20, \"answer_feedback\": \"This seems to do the trick, though the bosses do not seem to have any further interest in leaving the Democratic fold. You’ve averted violence but your presence in the city remains tenuous.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 5072, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 2072, \"candidate\": 20, \"answer_feedback\": \"Grant has been your most successful and loyal General so far. With your faith in him redoubled, he guarantees the capture of Petersburg in short order, and details to you his determined plan to do so.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 5073, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 2073, \"candidate\": 20, \"answer_feedback\": \"Grant catches word of your plans to replace him, and is not happy. Though he will eventually win the siege, the trust between the two of you has been irrevocably damaged.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 5074, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 2074, \"candidate\": 20, \"answer_feedback\": \"The Northwest was a key part of your victory four years ago, and with any luck, your policies should make the difference with the German vote. Good luck.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 5075, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 2075, \"candidate\": 20, \"answer_feedback\": \"Some inhabitants of these states are disgruntled by continued military rule, but the large contingent of Unionists in each are happy to turn out and show their support for the cause.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 5076, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 2076, \"candidate\": 20, \"answer_feedback\": \"If you’ve played your cards right, you should have been able to wrangle New York by now. Hopefully this last stop will put the icing on the cake.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 5077, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 2077, \"candidate\": 20, \"answer_feedback\": \"You order Edwin Stanton to intensify his efforts to enfranchise the soldiery; this key bloc may just put you over the edge in swing states.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 5078, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 2078, \"candidate\": 20, \"answer_feedback\": \"With the end of the War in sight, you begin devoting your every effort to the permanent abolition of slavery. It is a noble cause indeed, Mr. Lincoln—may God be with you.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 5079, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 2079, \"candidate\": 20, \"answer_feedback\": \"Every day, you get a new report from the front lines, be it from Grant or Sherman. The news is encouraging. With any luck, you should have this War finished for good by your next inauguration.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 5080, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 2080, \"candidate\": 20, \"answer_feedback\": \"This is a good, foresighted way to imprint your legacy on American society long after you’re gone. In the case of incapacitation or assassination, your actions through patronage should create an environment more receptive to abolition and the equality of man.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 5081, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 2081, \"candidate\": 20, \"answer_feedback\": \"You have laid down a blueprint more in line with the ambitions of the War Democrats than your Radical counterparts. Only time will tell if it is to come to fruition. For now, all you can do is watch the results come in.\"}}]"); campaignTrail_temp.candidate_image_url = ''; campaignTrail_temp.running_mate_image_url = ''; campaignTrail_temp.candidate_last_name = 'Lincoln'; campaignTrail_temp.running_mate_last_name = 'Johnson'; campaignTrail_temp.running_mate_state_id = '88'; campaignTrail_temp.player_answers = []; campaignTrail_temp.player_visits = []; campaignTrail_temp.answer_feedback_flg = 1; campaignTrail_temp.game_start_logging_id = '3668550'; (function(e,t,n,r,i){function s(e,t,n,r){r=r instanceof Array?r:[];var i={};for(var s=0;s